At Speedspace, we are committed to saving costs for our clients while providing quality solutions in the shortest possible timeframe.
We’re solution-driven and that means that regardless of the challenge, our easy-to-install Ufuducabins are the quick, easy, versatile and reliable answer.
From rural schools or remote clinics to a mining exploration or construction site, a suite of Ufuducabins comes complete with all amenities including sleeping, storage, eating, laundry, ablution and recreational facilities as required by the client.
They also have the option to purchase or rent the units at competitive rates, allowing them to consider which option works best for their particular long and short-term needs.
Our Ufuducabins are easy to unpack, erect and commission swiftly and accurately. All assembly can be done on-site with standard tools. We provide adjustable base jacks as part of our kits, so our cabins can be erected on virtually any surface.
As a significant benefit, our collapsible and easily-transportable Ufuducabins can save our customers and end-users up to 75% on freight charges. This means our flatpack system yields significant total cost savings, particularly when an affordable space management solution is urgently needed in a remote area.