Farewell to Kevin Gradidge

Kevin Gradidge

At the end of this month, Speedspace will bid farewell to Kevin Gradidge, a popular and valuable part of the team, as he retires following 13 years with our company. 

Kevin joined Speedspace in 2010 as a project manager and was responsible for managing numerous projects for the company during his first five years at Speedspace. He quickly proved his capabilities and expertise and was promoted to production and operations manager where he established himself as a valuable member of the management team at Speedspace. 

Kevin not only led his team with distinction, but he was also responsible for the establishment of much-needed operating procedures and quality control measures during his tenure with Speedspace. 

Kevin’s skill and experience added great value to the respective projects and production functions he was involved in while he was also instrumental in transferring much-needed skills and experience to his team of supervisors and team leaders.

Kevin retires at the end of August and we wish him and Margaret all the best for the next phase of their lives. 

Kevin, we salute and thank you!